We included Frank in our class even though we think he actually ended up graduating from Santa Ana High. You know how some of those boys yo-yoed back and forth between schools! Unfortunately, Frank is our most recent loss, passing away in January 2012. Here's a copy of his obituary that appeared in the OC Register:
Fischel, Frank, 68, passed away Friday, January 27th 2012. He is survived by his wife, Maurine; his sons, Joshua, Zachary, and Benjamin; and grandchildren, Julianne, Maxwell, Morgan, Rebecca, Jacob and Alexa. For the past 32 years, Frank supplied T-shirts to the Active Sports and Surf industry. Frank was a tower of a man and will always be remembered for his brilliant smile and as one of the greatest salesmen the T-shirt world will ever know.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Frank Fischel Memorial Fund at UCLA which will support research for the diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer: The Frank Fischel Memorial Fund Attn: Kathleen Lago, UCLA Health Sciences Development 10945 Le Conte Ave., Suite 3132,
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1784.
Earl E. Schmidt
Frank and I became friends in Auto Shop. To my mind Frank was in Auto Shop cause he didn't have anywhere else to be. He never worked on anything, just walked around and talked with everyone. I learned more about Jewish language with Frank than in any college course although it was mostly slang. I always remembered he wore a tan trenchcoat and dressed well. He always had that innate Jewish wit about him... he made me laugh a lot.
If I find where you're buried at, Frank... I'll lay a stone on your grave.
Dorothy H. Dobson
How could anyone not remember Frank? What a character but he had a heart of gold. He used to stop me in the halls between classes and count my freckles to make me laugh. Worked every time. He worked at a men's clothing store in Santa Ana, I think Carat's?, and always looked very put together. I was surprised to see that he had passed away.
Dorothy Dobson