Toni was my very best friend for all of high school. We walked to school together every day and shared every thought and emotion we had. She had a fairly tough life. Her mother had either passed away or left her early in her life and her father remarried and Toni had a rather difficult time with her stepmother, although I think that might have been more because Toni was a teen-ager. As I recall, her stepmother was genuinely concerned about her and did her best to raise her. Toni and I shared the Chemistry and Physics class taught by Mr. Staudenbaur, and we were both his favorites, or so we thought. We also played softball together (the Orange Empire League) in the summers. We loved life and had so many wonderful times together. After graduation we lost track of each other, and then met up again about 1974 after the birth of my daughter and her son (her first). We had one of those relationships that although many years had passed, we just picked up where we left off. She was so happy then, the happiest I had ever seen her - married and with a baby and just on top of the world. We lost track of each other again, and it was years later that I learned from my uncle, who knew her through work, that she had passed away. I contacted one of her co-workers who told me that she had a melonoma on her leg and disregarded it for too long. She fought as hard as she could (which would have been very hard), but ultimately lost the battle, leaving her son (I think about 12 or so years old) without his mother. My biggest heartbreak was that I did not know of this until she died. I know I could have helped her get through some of the tough times, but I did not have the chance. Rest in Peace, my dear, dear friend. You will always be with me.
Sherilyn, thank you for sharing your relationship with Toni. I've often wondered what became of her, and sorry to hear she passed away so young, leaving behind a son. It is heart breaking. my recollection of Toni was through Jane Ward's PE class. Toni was athletic and talented and very competitive.
I don't think of myself as having been particularly malicious, but one time I did smear part of my fudgsicle on the back of Toni's white skirt. I wished I had 'fessed up' and appologized.
I hope during your time you found better behaved admirers
Toni was in my AP classes. Our World History instructor (to remain unnamed) constantly harassed Toni for no reason. One day, it was particularly painful, and one student spoke up for Toni. The instructor's pride got the best of him, causing him to berate Toni and the student who intervened. Then the entire class "walked out" to the study.hall, where they remained until the classroom dynamics were improved. We all loved Toni. And maybe we were ahead of our time!? God bless her influence. And God bless her family.
Sheri, your memories of Toni were so lovely to read. I haven't seen either of you since we graduated, unless it was at the 10 year reunion (?) I remember both of you so clearly, and felt both of you were friends also, particularly on girls' sports teams. - It is really sad to know that Toni passed away early and left a young son. I'll think about him and hope he has his mother's determination, sense of humor, and great sportmanship! Best thoughts, Charla Hayden
Sherilyn A. Folsom (Held)
Toni was my very best friend for all of high school. We walked to school together every day and shared every thought and emotion we had. She had a fairly tough life. Her mother had either passed away or left her early in her life and her father remarried and Toni had a rather difficult time with her stepmother, although I think that might have been more because Toni was a teen-ager. As I recall, her stepmother was genuinely concerned about her and did her best to raise her. Toni and I shared the Chemistry and Physics class taught by Mr. Staudenbaur, and we were both his favorites, or so we thought. We also played softball together (the Orange Empire League) in the summers. We loved life and had so many wonderful times together. After graduation we lost track of each other, and then met up again about 1974 after the birth of my daughter and her son (her first). We had one of those relationships that although many years had passed, we just picked up where we left off. She was so happy then, the happiest I had ever seen her - married and with a baby and just on top of the world. We lost track of each other again, and it was years later that I learned from my uncle, who knew her through work, that she had passed away. I contacted one of her co-workers who told me that she had a melonoma on her leg and disregarded it for too long. She fought as hard as she could (which would have been very hard), but ultimately lost the battle, leaving her son (I think about 12 or so years old) without his mother. My biggest heartbreak was that I did not know of this until she died. I know I could have helped her get through some of the tough times, but I did not have the chance. Rest in Peace, my dear, dear friend. You will always be with me.
Janice M. Sedberry (Wulfkuhle)
Sherilyn,thank you for sharing your relationship with Toni.
I've often wondered what became of her, and sorry to hear she passed away so young, leaving behind a son. It is heart breaking.
my recollection of Toni was through Jane Ward's PE class. Toni was athletic and talented and very competitive.
Terry R. White
I don't think of myself as having been particularly malicious, but one time I did smear part of my fudgsicle on the back of Toni's white skirt. I wished I had 'fessed up' and appologized.
I hope during your time you found better behaved admirers
Glenda K. Hardcastle (Jansson)
Toni was in my AP classes. Our World History instructor (to remain unnamed) constantly harassed Toni for no reason. One day, it was particularly painful, and one student spoke up for Toni. The instructor's pride got the best of him, causing him to berate Toni and the student who intervened. Then the entire class "walked out" to the study.hall, where they remained until the classroom dynamics were improved. We all loved Toni. And maybe we were ahead of our time!? God bless her influence. And God bless her family.
Lynda Goff (Maloney)
Toni was such a special girl in our school years and you've absolutely given her memory justice....thanks and may God bless you!
Charla L. Hayden
Sheri, your memories of Toni were so lovely to read. I haven't seen either of you since we graduated, unless it was at the 10 year reunion (?) I remember both of you so clearly, and felt both of you were friends also, particularly on girls' sports teams. - It is really sad to know that Toni passed away early and left a young son. I'll think about him and hope he has his mother's determination, sense of humor, and great sportmanship! Best thoughts, Charla Hayden