Joseph "Joey" M. Reynoso was born July 22, 1944 in Minneapolis, MN and passed away July 30, 2012 at the age of 68. His funeral was held August 20, 2012 at Fairhaven Cemetary in Santa Ana, CA. He is survived by his mother Lorraine Reynoso, a brother, Richard Reynoso of Santa Ana, CA, a sister, Nancy Pine of Las Vegas, NV, three children: Sherrie of Menifee, CA, Mark of Bullhead City, AZ, Christina of Portland, OR and four grandchildren. Joey was a Chef most of his life, working many years at a restaurant on Harbor Blvd. that was always famous for their fresh strawberry pies!
Susan E. Pulsifer (Rogers)
It was a bit of a shock to see Joey's name here. We lived 4 houses apart on Ross Street, all the years I was growing up. I still remember the neighborhood kids getting together and playing flag football or dodgeball at the end of our cul de sac. its hard to believe sometimes and we aren't all still invincible like we were when we were still in school.